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Process Data set: 1 knusetrinn Hadeland (en) no

A more recent version of this data set exists in the database.

Most recent version of this data set:00.05.000

Key Data Set Information
Reference year 2024
1 knusetrinn Hadeland
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • EPDNorge: Construction / Asphalt and crushed stone
General comment on data set Datakvalitet: Spesifikke data for produktsammensetningen er fremskaffet av produsenten. De representerer produksjonen av det deklarerte produktet og ble samlet inn for EPD-­utvikling i det oppgitte året for studien. Bakgrunnsdata er basert på EPDer iht. EN 15804 og ulike LCA­ databaser. Allokering: Allokering er gjort iht. bestemmelser i EN 15804. Inngående energi og vann, samt produksjon av avfall i egen produksjon er allokert likt mellom alle produktene gjennom masseallokering. Miljøpåvirkning og ressursforbruk for primærproduksjonen av resirkulerte materialer er allokert til det opprinnelige produktsystemet. Bearbeidingsprosessen og transport av materialet til produksjonssted er allokert til analysen i denne EPDen. Cut-off kriterier: Alle viktige råmaterialer og all viktig energibruk er inkludert. Produksjonsprosessen for råmaterialene og energistrømmer som inngår med veldig små mengder (mindre enn 1%) er ikke inkludert. Disse cut-off kriteriene gjelder ikke for farlige materialer og stoffer.
Copyright Yes
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Biogenic carbon content
  • Carbon content (biogenic): 1.0 kg
  • Carbon content (biogenic) - packaging: 1.0 kg
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2029
Time representativeness description "2024-04-11" - "2029-04-11"
Technological representativeness

Indicators of life cycle

IndicatorDirectionUnit Production
  • 2.993
  • 0
  • 2.993
  • 27.62
  • 0
  • 27.65
  • 0.02052
  • 0.01624
  • -0.04961
  • 0.02455
  • 0.003295
  • 0.2035
  • 0.0001697
  • 0
  • 0.03608
  • 0.007672
  • 0.004955
  • 0.07497

IndicatorUnit Production
Abiotic depletion potential - fossil resources (ADPF)
  • 27.64
Abiotic depletion potential - non-fossil resources (ADPE)
  • 0.00002557
Acidification potential, Accumulated Exceedance (AP)
  • 0.08757
Global Warming Potential - biogenic (GWP-biogenic)
  • 0.002328
Global Warming Potential - fossil fuels (GWP-fossil)
  • 2.252
Global Warming Potential - total (GWP-total)
  • 2.255
Global Warming Potential - land use and land use change (GWP-luluc)
  • 0.0007197
  • 2.218
Eutrophication potential - freshwater (EP-freshwater)
  • 0.0000212
Eutrophication potential - marine (EP-marine)
  • 0.02856
Eutrophication potential - terrestrial (EP-terrestrial)
  • 0.4392
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)
  • 0.0842
Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer (ODP)
  • 3.831E-7
Water (user) deprivation potential (WDP)
  • 46.34

IndicatorUnit Production
1This impact category deals mainly with the eventual impact of low dose ionizing radiation on human health of the nuclear fuel cycle. It does not consider effects due to possible nuclear accidents, occupational exposure nor due to radioactive waste disposal in underground facilities. Potential ionizing radiation from the soil, from radon and from some construction materials is also not measured by this indicator.
2The results of this environmental impact indicator shall be used with care as the uncertainties on these results are high or as there is limited experiences with the indicator.
Potential Human exposure efficiency relative to U235 (IRP) 1
  • 0.1116
Potential incidence of disease due to PM emissions (PM) 2
  • 7.864E-7
Potential Soil quality index (SQP) 2
  • 4.448
Potential Comparative Toxic Unit for humans - non-cancer effects (HTP-nc) 2
  • 3.82E-8
Potential Comparative Toxic Unit for humans - cancer effects (HTP-c) 2
  • 5.466E-9
Potential Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems (ETP-fw) 2
  • 4828